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Saturday, August 16, 2014

Wash Day | Want healthier hair? Try doing a "Pre" Pre-poo.

This wash day I decided to spice it up a little.  Normally,  I start by pre-pooing on dry hair.  If my hair has been excessively dry, I'll pre-poo with a moisture heavy conditioner like Kanechom Shea Butter if I want a little more strength, I might go for coconut oil.  This week I opted for the coconut oil but instead of jumping right into the process, I decided to take one more step.

Inspired by the post I did on the importance of penetration in our hair journey, and having thought back to my hair analysis results which revealed that my hair was suffering from product buildup, I opted to reach for my trusty clarifying shampoo.  I've yet to do a formal review on Neutrogena's Anti-Residue Shampoo but I love this little bottle so much.  It has fantastic cleaning power without over stripping the hair.  Only wish it came in a larger bottle.  
Anyhow, I began by creating 5 large sections and creating a series of loose buns with each section.  I stepped into the shower and proceeded to take down each bun and wash the sections individually with the Anti-Residue Shampoo.  Once that was done, I stepped out of the shower and allowed my hair to dry to around 70%.  (*Side note- Next time I follow this process, I'll be using a moisturizing shampoo after the clarifying to see if it's beneficial to adding moisture back in).  

Once my hair was mostly dry, I began the official "pre-poo" by applying coconut oil the hair like I would normally.  Allowing the coconut oil to sit on the hair for an hour or so allowed for better penetration.  If I'm ever short on time, I may hop under the hooded dryer for 15-20 mins.  I jumped in the shower and applied WEN Honey Fig and cleansed (adding the moisture back in my hair).  After allowing the hair to dry again to around 70%, I added a blend of Kanechom Shea Butter mixed with Silicon Mix Pear Protein, Kanechom Intense Care and a capful of Baby Face Pure Protein. 

It felt like I was rinsing melted butter out of my hair. That's how creamy and soft everything was.  While standing in the shower, I thought about how glad I was that I clarified first so my hair could receive the full benefit of this wonderful blend of conditioners and protein.   I lost much less hair than usual during my roller set and I could tell immediately that my hair was stronger as a result of fully absorbing the protein.  The end result of the process was perfect.  

I'm for sure doing this pre-pre-poo step in the future. My only qualm is how many times I had to jump in the shower.  I think I'm going to experiment with using a clarifying conditioner as my pre-poo. Suave & VO5 have some options that I can grab next time I'm at Walmart but I'll also keep my eyes open for higher quality clarifying conditioners to add to my product lineup.   

Have a great weekend!