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Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Tomato Soup recipe - Homemade yummy soup

Tomato soup is all favorite soups amongst  all. You may be served it as a hot or cold in a bowl with many variations. There is many topping can be used like sour cream , croutons etc. This is very healthy and tasty recipe. I also like homemade soup so I would share my recipe with you. Now, start with  ingredients…

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6  medium tomatoes, 
1 carrot, 
1 celery stick, 
1/2” ginger (peeled and sliced),
2 tbsp oil,
1/2 teaspoon cumin seeds,
1/2teaspoon black pepper
1/2 teaspoon salt, 
1/2 teaspoon sugar, 
1 pinch of  asafoetida, 
Green coriander or parsley leaves for garnishing.


First, cut the tomatoes and celery stick in a small pieces,  peel the carrot and also cut in the small pieces.
Take a saucepan, heat the 1 tbsp oil over medium heat, now add the ginger , carrot and celery and stir fry for 2 minutes.
After that, Add the tomatoes, salt, sugar, and pepper, cover the lid and cook until tomatoes looks mushy.
After few minutes, tomatoes cool downs, then blends the tomatoes with blender.
Take another pan, heat the 1 tsp oil, add cumin seeds and asafoetida.
Add the tomato puree and mix 1 ½ cup of water or adjust accordingly to your taste.
Boil the soup about 2-3 minutes.
Pour the hot tomato soup in a soup bowls.
As your choice, add the bread croutons to the soup.
Garnish the soup with fine chopped parsley or coriander leaves.
Serve the Tomato soup hot.

happy eating !!!

5 Healthy Skin Boosters for your DYI Facial Mist.

I'm completely enjoying the warmer weather but each day that passes, means we're one day closer to summer.  Last summer, I stumbled upon a major beauty essential.  I kept a bottle of Evian Facial Spray with me at all times.  Then, an Instagram Beauty Secrets post introduced me to Chanel's Hydra Beauty's Essence Mist.  What lured me the most about this product is how many yummy ingredients it has.  I mean, who wouldn't want to mist themselves with ingredients such as camellia flower extract, vitamin E, & hyaluronic acid and other moisture boosters?

On one trip to the mall, I dipped into Neiman Marcus and tested Chanel's Hydra Mist for myself.  Long after the water absorbed into my skin, the feeling of moisture remained on the skin.  Although I loved the product, I couldn't convince myself to invest $90.00 into a 1.7 ounce bottle.  Maybe in the future but, for now, I've decided do a little experimenting with adding various boosters to my DIY facial spray.  

So far I have a ideas in mind.

First on the list is rosewater.  Can you imagine how decadent it would feel to experience the aromatic fragrance of roses each time you mist your face?  Rosewater soothes the skin.  It also contains antioxidants, and vitamins A& C,  which is great from the skin.  Another reason to add rose water to my spray mister is for it's astringent and anti inflammatory properties, which will help keep acne at bay.

The skin is it's happiest when it's slightly acidic so I'm inclined to add a few ingredients to lower the pH of the facial spray.  On top of my list is coconut vinegar, which has taken the place of ACV in my regimen.  If I go too many days without using a low pH toner, my skin suffers a dermatitis outbreak.  The acidity keeps my skin at it's healthiest so lowering the pH of this facial mist is a must.  I'll just make sure to keep my eyes shut, when I mist, to avoid getting any mishaps.  

Next on the list of facial spray boosters is powdered MSM.  MSM is sometimes called the beauty mineral because of it's sulfur content.  I read a post where a girl raved that applying MSM cream on her face every day filled in (and faded) her deep acne scars. So it's an absolute must.   
Lastly, I'm considering adding a little powdered vitamin C to transform my facial mist into a mild version of a  vitamin C serum.  Vitamin C on the skin can have major anti aging properties.   Some vitamin C serums can get very pricey but why spend all that money when you can make some at home for yourself? 

Oh, one more.  I think this time around I may use acid water as a base.  If you've never heard of acid water before, it's basically the opposite of alkaline water.  This water has a low pH and is known as beauty water. Why? Because our hair and skin both prefer slightly acid environments and respond well to acid water.  Acid water, and all of the other skin healthy ingredients will make this the ultimate in facial mists.  Oh, and rosewater, MSM, coconut vinegar are also good for the hair, so it easily doubles as a hair moisturizing mist as well. 

First things first, I'm off to get smaller size aluminum bottles which are more portable.  It'll also allow me to take make smaller batches.  Once that's settled, I'll start formulating.  Can't wait to get started.

Best Vegetables for Weight Loss

When you see a celebrities on TV or in movies, they have perfect body structure and looks gorgeous, you also wish the same perfect body and wish to wear these type of glamorous clothes but due to your extra pounds you will only wishing that.

Loosing weight is not a big task. You will loose weight through you healthy diet and some physical exercise in few days. You should includes vegetables in your diet and control on your cravings. The best way to loose weight is by eating veggies, this is a smart idea because the veggies are low in calories and contains ample amount of fiber and water. 

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Veggies are rich in minerals, antioxidants, and phytochemical. Eating vegetable diet is very effective and efficient for weight loss, the high amount of fiber and water in vegetables providing you a sensation of stomach fullness which prevents overeating.They are very helpful for maintaining and improving your health. Also prevents dehydration that can occur during a weight loss regime. Eating vegetables diet may also prevent cancer, heart diseases, and reducing the occurrence of various other diseases.

Best vegetables for weight loss-

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Cucumber is rich in fiber and water. It is extremely low in calories, it will help to fill up your stomach without adding a substantial amount of calories to your diet. You can use Cucumber as a salad which is helps you to stop overeating. You can use low-fat dressing to your salad with herbs and spices.
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Broccoli is rich in essential dietary fiber, vitamins and minerals. Broccoli has no fat in it and it contains plenty of carbohydrates. Eating broccoli helps you in weight loss because it is a low calorie veggie. Including this in your diet, it provides high level fiber and water to your food without adding calories. Carbohydrates present in this are slow releasing and required time to digest which is good for helping to keep energy levels up.

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You can count beans as part of the vegetable or protein foods groups because beans contains high fiber and protein in it. Beans are good for a weight-loss meal plans. Beans are rich in essential nutrients and it helps to keep you feeling full for long periods of time. They are low in fat with a high content will help you shed pounds. You should needs to determine the amount of beans you should eat for effective weight loss.
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Spinach is also a good veggie for your weight loss regime. Spinach is rich in vitamins, iron, folic acid and high fiber. It has anti oxidants and phytochemical which helps in fighting disease and protect eyes from macular degeneration. It also prevents constipation. You can use spinach raw as a salad or lightly saute with shredded carrot, sliced mushrooms.


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Carrot contains vitamin, minerals and high fibre. Carrot are tasteful and good for weight loss. Carrots has fat fighting feature in it due to its high fibre content.You can eat raw carrot, cooked with other vegetables or in soups.

Image source: green-cabbage.html
Cabbage rich in antioxidants and vitamin C & E . It is a great immune-booster. It can instigate gas formation in body so you should use it with garlic and ginger.You can eats cabbage salad before your meal, it helps to satisfy your appetite and reduce calorie intake in your meals. You can also take cabbage soup. It also prevents constipation and stomach problems.
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Radishes are rich in potassium, folic acid, antioxidants, and sulphur compounds that aid in digestion. They are a low calorie vegetable and have no fat or cholesterol. They also contains high dietary fiber which is helpful in loosing weight. Use raw radish as a salad , or you can use this in sandwich with other veggies.
Warnings : Always check with a physician or medical professional prior to initiating a new dietary regimen or devising a weight-loss plan.

Monday, March 30, 2015

Monday Motivation| How to feel like doing it, when you don't feel like doing it.

I realize that most of the time, I'm engaged in a mini battle of the mind where I attempt to motivate myself into doing something that I don't feel doing.  But I know I should be doing it, so I  silently try to convince myself into action. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.

That's why I decided to create a system of strategies for whenever that feeling comes up.  The goal is to increase the rate of action even when I don't feel motivated at that moment.
1. Visualizing myself doing the action.
Whenever I don't feel like getting up and exercising, chances are it's because my mind wants to avoid the experience. It thinks I'll be uncomfortable and miserable. Maybe it's right.  But only because I allow it to think that way.  What if instead I create new pictures of myself walking outside, taking in the fresh air, feeling the warm sun on my skin, being energized by the increased blood flow.  Suddenly, going for a walk sounds amazing.  Whenever you don't feel like doing something, be present to the thoughts you have that make it seem unattractive.  Change everything about that picture and create a new one focusing on all the wonderful aspects of taking the action.

2. Focusing on what I will get once I do it.
When you get that internal prompting to do something, it's because you want to experience the benefits of taking that action.  With each action you take, you receive a benefit. It's kinda like an exchange.  Most times. the biggest benefit comes from repeated action. But every time you take a positive action, you receive something in exchange.  To motivate myself, I think about the benefit I will get in exchange for my action.  For instance, if I do some of the work that I've been putting off, I get a feeling of accomplishment.  My mind also doesn't have to constantly remind me of what I need to do which takes away the feeling of  stress and anxiety.  In exchange for doing some work, I can enjoy a calm, stress free day.  In exchange for eating a salad for lunch, I'll enjoy a flatter belly and clearer skin. And so forth.

3. Do it for only 1-2 minutes.
Another way of motivating myself into action is to tell myself that I only have to endure it for a minute or two.  That's it. Then I'll be done.  This works well for actions that you really don't feel like doing.  Set you timer for a minute and go! Chances are, that minute will go by really fast and, once you're in the flow, you'll go for 5 minutes and maybe even 15.    Last week, I practiced doing small de-cluttering sessions of 5, 10 and even 15 minutes per room.  The outcome was much greater than I expected.  You'd be surprised how much you can accomplish in that little  amount of time.

4. Rewards.
Establishing a reward for yourself before you take action is extremely powerful.  Rewards multiply the benefits. First, you receive an internal reward for completing the action, then you layer on another reward as a symbol of your accomplishment.  It's like double dipping!  Suddenly, repeating that task doesn't seem so hard.  A good tip is to create different rewards depending on the level of action.  Start small and build up the reward for taking greater actions. Or maybe log all of your actions and reward yourself at the end of the week.  Have fun with it, it's up to you.

5. Fall in love with the process.
One habit, I learning to cultivate is loving the process.  I'm one of those people who look for results, and when the results aren't evident,  I stop trying.  Of course that type of thinking will demotivate me. My old mindset was like a child who only wants to play if I get the ball.  If I don't get the ball, I pout, call the game stupid, and go home (crying).  Instead, I should be happy with the experience of having to play with the other kids, hearing their laughter. feeling the excitement of everyone around me having fun.

The process is just as important more important than the outcome.  The process has the ability to develop me into an elevated version of myself.  The version of me who builds a million dollars in wealth is very different than the version who wins a million in the lotto.  The process builds mental muscles that impact my choices for years to come.  The process causes me to reflect on what I've learned and how I can to next time to get even better.  The process is invaluable and I should be grateful for every second it.

Try some, or all, of these tips and you'll be motivated in no time.

How to have younger looking hands- keeping hands beautiful

We are mostly take care of our face, apply different beauty products on our face to look younger and wants to stop aging but what about your hands? We are forget about our hands aging, next to the face our hands are the most visible part of our body. 

At a certain point of our age, looking younger starts to sound good. We do daily skin care regime for our face and neck but sign of aging will show earlier in our hands than the face. The skin of our hands is very  delicate and thin. There is  no fat under the skin of hands because of this the veins are so visible. 

As we grow older, Our hands also need extra care because they are always doing so much hard work for us  so we often taken for granted.
Now from today, include your hands in your daily skin care regime and do proper care like you do for your face. The best way to maintain your hands younger are -

Beauty tips to keeping your hands beautiful

Protect your hands

When you are washing dishes or clothes, always wear the rubber gloves . The soaps and detergents are very harsh for your hands even for your nails. 
When you are scrubbing the pans or pots with these cleaning agents, they have chemicals and bleach which is hard on your skin and causes ageing. So, wear gloves for every time you wash dishes or clothes or anything with soaps and detergents and protect your hands.

Exfoliation of your hands skin

Exfoliation is the process in which we remove the dead skin cells with the help of scrubber or exfoliator. Use a scrub on your back of hand and massage it for 5 minutes and than wash you hands. You can use same scrub that you use on your face. It makes your skin smooth, exfoliate your hands at least once in a week. 
You can make your own home made scrubber, take 1 tbsp sea salt and mixed with lemon juice. Rub this solution on your hands with an old toothbrush. It helps remove any dead skin cells.

Keep your cuticles neat and clean 

Generally, our nail cuticles overgrow and we are trying to trim it, but it is very difficult task. Cuticles works as barriers to bacteria and fungus for our nails. Never cut your cuticles with your teeth or with nail cutter. Keep them hydrates with lotion and use a wooden cuticle pusher. Keep you cuticles clean and infection free.

Moisturizing your hands

After washing your hands, use moisturizer on your hands properly. Use a mild soap for washing your hands. Moisturizing is very important for thin skin of hands. Every washing your hands moisturizer remove out with soap.Make your habit of applying moisturizer after each washing and drying your hands. Just after one day, you will notice the difference.

Apply sunscreen daily

Like your face, your hands are also exposed to the sun. As we all know that sun rays are the biggest cause of premature aging. So, always
use a high SPF sunscreen or sun block on your hands, especially when driving your car. The UV rays  causes 90% of the fine lines, wrinkles, discolorations to your body.

Inside-Out: The Practice of Resilience

Inside-Out is written to counter fear. By enquiring deeply into who you are and how you operate, you can discover much better ways to live and be. This is the practice of resilience – learning to be calm, energized, engaged, focused and in flow.  We can all learn to be more resilient.
Each of the practices described are soundly based on evidence and deliver results. Some steps such as sorting out sleep, nutrition and exercise are easier to understand and harder to perfect. Other steps such as coherence, positivity and meditation will be more complex to understand, yet can be surprisingly rewarding to initiate.
Inside-Out shows you:
• 1. How to bounce in adversity
• 2. How to stay calm and courageous
• 3. How to cultivate your body, emotions, mind and spirit
• 4. How to connect with others, work and play

So throw away the pills and creams. Join me on this journey of discovery and creative expression.  Let your inside-out.
Dr Sven Hansen is the founder of The Resilience Institute. He is a medical practitioner with a background in special forces and sports medicine, and since gaining an MBA in 1993 has focused on applying the science of Resilience to business. Sven has trained thousands of professionals in the field and is leading the institute’s international development. A keen outdoor sportsman, he lives in Auckland with his wife and two children.

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Sunday, March 29, 2015

Welcome Back | KeraCare Humecto Creme Conditioner

This post is to commemorate the return of on my favorite hair products all time.  It was one of my staples for the longest but somehow, I made the mistake of not purchasing a replacement when I ran out a while back.  I think it may have something to do with stumbling upon Keraste's Nutri Thermique mask.  Which took over Keracare's spot as my main hydrating conditioner.

Although I love Kerastase with all of my heart, it should have never taken the place of Keracare Humecto.  So, to make up for lost time, I decided to go all out and invest in the 5lb tub.  Yeah, it's pricey but compared to Kerastase, it's a steal.  Not to mention how much product I get to enjoy for $50.00.  Humecto is one of those conditioners that my hair never seemed to get tired of so I predict that I'll be scrapping the bottom of the tub in the near future.
Yesterday, I got to crack that baby open and take it for a spin.  The conditioner's scent instantly took me back to a simpler time.  I didn't have much knowledge about special ingredients, I just knew well how my hair responded with each use.  In typical fashion, I blended a small amount of Pure Protein into small batch of Humecto, mixed with a Sprush, and began the application.  The creamy, moist texture practically melted into my hair.

Once saturated, I misted with coconut oil spray to further seal in the moisture, then sat under the steamer.  Forty minutes later, I jumped into the shower for a final rinse.  Seriously, my hair was so buttery & soft, I could barely contain myself.  My hair hadn't felt this conditioned in a very long time.  Perhaps it was the combination of having clarified, then steaming in a yummy conditioner with oil.  Whatever it was, it was magical.
A day later, my hair is happy and ultra-moisturized.  Humecto + the washday L.C.O method are the perfect combination.  Detangling was a non-issue and my hair still carries the scent of Humecto which I love.  Now that Humecto is back in my life for good, I'm seriously considering picking up Keracare Hydrating Detangling shampoo since I've just run out of WEN's Honey Fig.  I think the shampoo/conditioner combination could be absolutely amazing.

Saturday, March 28, 2015

Currently Loving | Palmer's Moisturizing Body Oil.

This winter,  fell in love with Johnson's Baby oil gel thanks to a recommendation of the beautiful stewardess with fantastic skin.  It definitely served its purpose, keeping the skin soft, moisturized while giving a little hint of shine.

Now that's a bit warmer, I set my sights on a suitable alternative appropriate for spring and summer.  The answer came in the form of Palmer's Cocoa Butter Moisturizing Body Oil.  I can't remember that last time I used actual lotion on my legs.  From my experience, layering thick creams on my body, day after day, only created a layer of unwanted buildup.  Oils, on the other hand, absorbed easily into the skin.
 Legs that reflect light are the epitome of sexy. Something wonderful happens whenever I use an oil based product on the skin instead of a cream.  Somehow, the legs instantly appear more toned and healthy.  Perhaps that's why fitness competitors slather themselves in oil to show off their hard work.  A little oil on damp skin after a shower works incredible wonders.

But, let's be honest, the main reason why I grabbed this bottle was to take advantage of Palmer's world famous chocolate scented products.  I can think of nothing better that walking around looking and smelling like a chocolate drop.  Actually, the chocolate scent is mild and non-overbearing which won't make you feel too self-conscious about smelling like you've been drizzled in chocolate.

The oil blend contains cocoa butter and vitamin e so I'm crossing my fingers that it'll have an effect on any light scarring I have on my legs.  The chocolatey oil blend easily sinks into the skin, leaving it soft and nourished.   One of my favorite summer finds so far.

Friday, March 27, 2015

Kiwi Pancakes- For babies

The Kiwi fruit is originally known as Chinese gooseberry. kiwi is the most nutrient dense fruit, kiwi is rich in Vitamin A, Vitamin C, potassium, calcium, folate. It is a good source of dietary fiber so it prevents the constipation and has antioxidants. It is a non-allergeic fruit even with its acids. You can introduce Kiwi fruit to baby in between 8-10 Months.

Kiwi pancake recipe is for 10-12 month old baby. Babies loved it because of its taste and softness. So, you can start with ingredients. 

Image source:


2 kiwi
1 cup flour
1 cup milk
1 egg
1 tbsp baking powder
Vanilla essence 


  • First, we will make kiwi puree. Take 2 kiwis, wash them properly. Peel the kiwi skin and mash with the fork or a spoon. Make a smooth paste.
  • Take a bowl, mix flour with baking powder.
  • Take another bowl, beat egg smoothly and add milk and kiwi puree, mix it well.
  • Pour the flour in this mixture and blend it. Now, mixture is ready.
  • Take a pan and greased with the oil or butter, now bake a pancakes in this pan. Make small sized pancakes.
  • Serve hot in your baby's favourite plate or bowl.

Happy eating  

Vegetable salad with pasta – Finger food for toddlers

Vegetables are the rich source of nutrition for babies. Mostly, they are not like veggies. So, I have idea to twist the veggies in new form and make the veggies more tasty and nutritive for babies. I am sure your Baby also like new form of veggies with different taste. So, start with ingredients 

                                                     Image source:

Ingredients -
1 potato 
½ carrot
4-5 dice of pumpkin
2 tbsp green peas
½ cup boiled pasta
1 teaspoon butter
You can use your own choice of veggies that your baby like most.

  • First you wash the all veggies properly and peel it with peeler.
  • Cut the veggies into the small size cubes. Steam or microwave the veggies and give time to cool them.
  • Take a saucepan, add 1 teaspoon butter, add steamed veggies cubes and saute it. It gives a nice flavour to the dish.
  • Now, add boiled pasta in veggies.
  • Transfer them on your baby favourite plate or bowl.
Happy Eating 😊

Thursday, March 26, 2015

The Wash Day L.C.O. Method to super charge moisture.

Lately, I've been experimenting with washing more frequently.  Although I don't wash as frequently as I'd like, going through the wash day experience every 4-6 days has allowed me the opportunity to reflect on what needs to be improved.  After each wash I roller set.  Last wash day I used a spray bottle with water to refresh the sections prior to rolling.

The end result was less than ideal as my hair felt a little dryer than normal once I removed the rollers.  I quickly realized that using water only was a huge mistake. But, I was out of my moisturizing leave-ins and I was desperate.  After decided that I wasn't going to make the same mistake again, I quickly changed my strategy.
Normally, after removing the rollers, I immediately moisturize and sealed with Aveda Moisturizer and Gleau.  This time, I decided to try the L.C.O (liquid, cream, oil) method, but on a macro level.  You see, when I step out of the shower, my hair is already soaking wet.  Why not layer on moisturizer and oil right then?  That way the hair is protected from the manipulation taking place as I roller set.  That's exactly what I did.   While my hair was still wet from the rinse, I reached for Aveda Daily Moisturizer and began to apply liberally.  Then, I decided to revert back to an age old practice of applying moisturizing conditioner as a leave-in.  It had worked brilliantly for me in the past so I didn't hesitate.

After rubbing a little Kanechom Shea Butter into my strands, I reached for the Misto sprayer. The Misto is perfect because of it's ability to evenly distribute oil to the strands without making the hair greasy of weighed down.  I sprayed a little from both of my Mistos (one containing coconut oil, the other jojoba).  Once complete, I sat down to roller set.  The very first thing I noticed was how much slip my hair had.  I deep conditioned with Redken Extreme Mask which is great for having the sacred ingredient 18-MEA, but it offers little to no slip.

The wash day L.C.O gave me all the slip I needed to easily detangle.  It also helped me to retain moisture throughout the roller setting process which meant that I didn't need to re-mist.  My hope is that this also means that moisture will be easier to retain until next wash day.  This doesn't mean that I won't moisturize and seal during the week, but it does help better protect my hair while I'm sitting under the dryer on wash day.  The process left my hair soft and moisturized.  Since this is still part of my experiment, I'll play around with using different creamy moisturizers. Perhaps, I'll use a heat protection cream, like Ciment Thermique, to further protect my hair under the dryer.  Another option is to use a split end protection cream, like Nexxus Pro Mend Leave in to repair split ends and sealing it with oil.

There's lots of options but I like this idea of doing a mid-wash L.C.O to deeply seal in the moisture that already in the hair.  One thing I also noticed is that my hair has retained moisture very well, much more than normal.  Next wash, I'll clarify then do it all over again, this time focusing more on the ends.  I'm also excited about trying misting a little coconut oil prior to hoping under the steamer.  Perhaps the cuticle layer will open and better absorb the micro droplets of coconut oil.  Can't wait to try that.

Natural Teeth Whitening Home Remedies: For a Beautiful Smile

Every one wants to have a smile with white sparkling teeth which lighten up the room as well as the mind of that person who met us first time.Teeth are the first impression which  people notice in our personality. This shows that how much we take care of ourselves. White Teeth are a sign of our good health. When we see a celebrities on a TV, we also want beautiful smile with white teeth, no one like a yellow smile.

Yellowish teeth or teeth discoloration is due to improper care and also from aging. In our today's society, good teeth is very important. Mostly, 20 percent of people spends hundred dollars only for teeth bleaching. They spend money and their time in dentist visits. Teeth bleaching is good but having their own side effects.
Research has shown that whitening of teeth can damage the teeth by removing the enamel. Over bleaching Of teeth creates new problem in our teeth,sometimes people have needed root canals treatment. These chemicals also results in tooth sensitivity, especially  with eating hot and cold food items.
The best way to whiten your teeth is by eating lots of healthy foods for strong bones, teeth and gums. Also avoid coffee, tea and sugary foods in your daily diet. Stop smoking if you smoke. 

Home remedies for whitening teeth-

Baking Soda and Hydrogen Peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide has the anti-bacterial property which is works as a cleaner of mouth and gum. It keeps the mouth germ free. It prevents the growth of bacteria, infections,and bad breath.Hydrogen peroxide with powdery substance baking soda both together are super-effective in teeth whitening. Mix small quantity of both to make a paste. Brush your teeth with this paste once in a week. Do not used too frequently or regularly, it can wear away your tooth enamel.

Baking soda and lemon

Baking soda is used with lemon is also very effective in whitening of our teeth. Squeezed a lemon in a small amount of baking soda and mix it well. Before brushing, apply this solution on your teeth with the help of cotton. Leave the solution for a minute than brush your teeth. It helps to remove excess plaque from your teeth.Do not leave the mixture more longer than a minute because it can be erode your tooth enamel.

Strawberry is rich in vitamin C and contains Malic acid in it. This acid helps to remove stains and yellowness from the teeth. Vitamin C helps to cure plaque. So, make a paste of strawberry and apply on your teeth. You can also  directly rub the strawberry on teeth. Do this once or twice a week for positive results. 
Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV)

Apple cider vinegar has been proven that it does work in teeth whitening  but you have to be consistent and regular. It  takes time at least a month for a good result .It helps to remove the stains of tea, coffee and nicotine but of continuous usage. But be careful, it can remove the teeth enamel also. Use once in a week, after applying this solution you will need to brush with a regular toothpaste and rinse your mouth.

Coconut Oil Pulling

Coconut oil has anti bacterial and anti microbial properties which is good for our mouth, gums and teeth. This is an Indian home remedy used to enhance our oral health.
Oil pulling method is very simple, effective and very inexpensive. So,put  one tablespoon of a pure coconut oil in your mouth for 15-20 minutes and swish it between your teeth. Than spit the oil and rinse your mouth with water.You can also applying oil with tooth brush. 

Brushing regularly

Brushing your teeth twice daily in morning and before going to bed. This is the easiest and simple method to clean, stained free and germ free your teeth. Regular brushing prevents any mouth infection as well as bad breath. Clean and clear teeth looks good and white.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Tea Time.

A few weeks back, I found my way to one of the last remaining book stores in my city.  With a stack of magazines in hand, I headed to small in house coffee shop and ordered the smallest size chai tea on the menu.  The cup of warm tea set me back several dollars but I was grateful for the experience.  There are few things I love more than a cup of chai tea.......well except for bamboo tea.

So I made a decision that will change the course of my life forever!  I headed over to Amazon to see if I could purchase my own set of plastic "coffee shop" cups.  My intention was to replicate the euphoric experience in the comfort of my home.
A few days later I received the stack of cups. Within minutes, I was brewing a large batch of chai-bamboo tea.  Just one or two bamboo tea bags was sufficient to produce a full half gallon of tea. The chai is a blend I purchased from Tevana. The Once done, I placed the half gallon glass mason jar in the fridge to chill while I conjured up the many ways I'd use this cute little cups.
It's been a few days since my discovery and I've consumed well over a gallon of tea. I keep a full cup in my office, next to my water bottle.  When I've got to hit the road for errands, my nifty cup of tea comes along with me.  With every sip, I relish in how much money I'm saving by brewing large batches while avoiding the coffee shops.  I'm also enjoying strong nails and thick new growth, thanks to the silica content of the bamboo tea.  Since the bamboo tea is so mild, I only really taste the spicy chai flavors,while reaping all of the beauty benefits.
But I'm not stopping with tea, these cups are perfect for making smoothies on the go.  In the past, I'd use small plastic mason jars for smoothies but when I'm out and about, the empty jar would sit in my car and get all yucky.  That's why I love the convenience of these disposable cups. I love them so much that I'm headed back to get the larger size.

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

How to make Peppermint Tea ?

Peppermint is a herb which is commonly used in our kitchen. Now a days, peppermint is used in a tea also and its tea called as Herbal tea. Peppermint tea is caffeine free and has many health benefits. In summers, this tea works as a super re-freshened and provides calm, cooling effects to the body as well as to the mind. It also a super effective tummy flattener.
It is also used as a digestive aid which is helping in combat indigestion, nausea, vomiting, stomach pain and bolting. The menthol which is present in peppermint can also work as a muscles relaxant and natural sleep aid. The aroma of peppermint has effect to enhance the memory and alertness.
So, when we know that this tea is very beneficial for us than take a cup of peppermint tea once a day will help make you healthy.

Peppermint Tea Recipe 

Image source:

You will need this – For serves 4 cup of tea

  • 4 peppermint teabags
  • Or 4 teaspoons of dried peppermint loose-leaf tea
  • Or 4-5 stalk of fresh peppermint leaves
  • 4 cups of water
  • honey, sugar, or orange, lemon, or lime(Optional additions to taste)
How to make peppermint tea ?

If you are making your tea with :-
Fresh peppermint leaves – First rinse the leaves and crush them well with your hands or a mortar to discharge the wonderful  juice and aroma.
The loose tea leaves- You can use an infusers or infuser mug.
Teabags – You can use it directly as you know it.

  • Take a pan and boil 4 cups of water.
  • Place the crushed peppermint leaves in teapot.
  • Pour boiling water over the crushed peppermint leaves or you can use teabags, dip in the boiled water.
  • Peppermint tea is at its best when it brewed in hot water rather than boiling water like the other herbal teas.
  • Than cover the teapot, and let it steep for 5-8 minutes.
  • After that, remove the tea leaves or teabags from the teapot.
  • Pour the tea into your favorite teacup.
  • You may want to add a bit of honey or sugar to taste.
Enjoy your delicious, beneficial  peppermint tea and inhale deeply !

Monday, March 23, 2015

How to choose best LIPSTICK for you ?

LIPSTICK is a beauty product that every women loves to wear it. Lipstick is used to enhance the beauty which give the perfect finishing touch to your face. The college going girls to working women or homemaker to old women , we all of us have a bunch of lipsticks. But in a bunch of lipstick, some shades you love to wear all the time and some are not even you used. You know the reason? Yes, you all know that we all fallen love with the lipstick when we go to the store for buying. 

Sometimes, we buy wrong shade which does not suits us and shade clashes with our complexion.The million of shades are available in the market with different textures, which becomes confusing that lipstick colour is perfect for you and which is not, at time of purchasing.

Choosing the perfect lipstick colour can be a tough job but it became easier when you choosing a lipstick shade according to your skin tone, shape of lips and mouth. Every women have different skin tone and lip shape.

So, These are some advices that can help you to avoid making expensive mistake with lipstick:

Identify Your Undertone

Identification of our undertone is very easy and based on two colour of skin. Every women has undertone of either yellow colour or pink colour. Yellow colour is warmer undertone and pink is cooler undertone.
The easy trick to identify your skin undertone is :-

First,you look at veins on your arms , if the veins of your arm is blue and skin colour is pale means you has cool skin and pink undertone. If your veins is green and less obvious means you has warmer skin and yellow undertone. If you feel it confusing than try the second way.

Second, hold a gold and silver jewellery near to your face. Which one is lights up your complexion and suits you ? The best reveals that you have warm or cool skin tones. Gold looks better on warm yellow skin tone while silver enhances cool pink skin tone. Knowing your undertone is very helpful when you are trying to select best lipsticks shade for you.

Choose shades according to you undertone

After you have identified your skin tone, apply that to lipstick. If you have warmer or yellow undertones than you suit a warm colours or shades like cappuccino, caramel, browns with gold and bronze. If you have cool or pink undertone you look for shades with blue or purple tones , light pinky reds and blue-toned reds and beige's.
If you are in Doubt than you can also stick to the shades that are typically suit olive, fair and darker skin tones.

Best lipstick shades according to skin tone

Fair Skin Tones

Women with fair skin tone can use medium toned lipsticks like pinks, corals along with deep reds, plums or browns, caramel or brick brown shades.You can look fantastic in bold red and deep colours but avoid too light shades. This skin tone look best in cool blue-based shades.Lipsticks with gloss is often recommended.

Medium or Olive Skin tone


Women with olive or medium skin tone look beautiful in warm shades that are yellow based like brown, coffee, caramel, brownish red ,peach and deep pink. But always avoid using light colours like mauve shades or orange-red because they not suits you. If you have medium skin tone you go with golden shades, all shades of red, sherry berry, coral brown and brown based mauves.If you have pale skin, you can use nudes, beige, light shades as light pink, light corals and peaches tones.

Darker Skin Tones

Women have darker skin tone should follow one rule is that the deeper your skin tone, the deeper the shade of lipstick can be used. Best shades are brown reds, rose pink, plum shades, red, dark red, brown, chocolate,orange and pastel. You can use almost all shades and colours of lipsticks.But only try to avoid bright and neon shades of pink, pastels and orange because it will make your lips look too loud.

Tricks To Keep In Mind

• While choosing your lipstick shade it is best to try it on our palm under natural light.

• Check the texture according to your lips.

• You can blend two similar shades till you get a shade that suits you the best.

• Before applying lipstick, use a lip balm as it helps to increase the staying power of the lipstick.

• Press tissue paper between both lips after applying the lipstick to get Matt effect.