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Wednesday, May 6, 2015

How to plan a Candlelight Dinner at Home - With your love one

In our busy schedule, we do not have time to fully enjoy with our lover or our life partner. Mostly, we are going for dinner or lunch in the restaurant with someone special but not enjoy that much, what we want.

Dinner dates are a important part of love and romance, its brings two lovers closer and lighten your love again as a new love. Candlelight dinner date plan is the best way to enjoy each other company with fun and excitement. You can plan Candlelight dinner for many occasions like you can celebrating a birthday, anniversary, a welcome back home, your partner's promotion or any other type of sentimental occasion, a candlelight dinner can be the best for set your mood for an intimate and enjoyable time together.
When we are in a relationship or happily married, we may want to spend quality time with our love one. We want to make every moment special. You can plan a candlelight dinner for partner in your home or in a restaurant. But the best place for candlelight dinner date is your home or your garden. Having romantic candlelight dinner at home can be much more special than the having dinner outside.

The only thing, you need to plan and to pay attention to your plan details. Your romantic dinner date can be cheap or even expensive but most important question are -
What really matters in your successful dinner date?
How well both of you connect with each other?
How much fun the night was?

If you can have romantic or memorable night with each other then you have definitely succeeded in planning a perfect dinner date. So, follow these tips to find out how to arrange romantic candlelight dinner with your someone Special.

How to plan candlelight dinner at home ?

1. Plan a menu for candlelight dinner :-

In you menu, you should includes your drinks, appetizers, main course, and deserts. You can go with the type of cuisine you and your partner favorite cuisine and enjoy eating most.

Drinks :- Starts your date with a appropriate drinks. You can choose wine, beer, champagne or any cocktail drink. For romantic date, wine is the first choice if you and your partner are wine drinkers.

Appetizers :- After having drinks or with your drinks, you can includes some simple and light appetizers. You can make it or buy it, Like meat balls, spicy shrimp, bacon rolls, creamy veg salad, potato patties, onion patties, Bruschetta or anything that you both like.

Main course :- You should include a simple food that does not require a lot of your time. Prepare your food earlier in a day because you need time for decorations. Go with your favorite cuisine or you can try something new. Saute chicken veg, baked salmon with rice, pizza, pasta, tofu or panner curry with baked bread, spicy veg curry or anything you like. Avoid too much garlic, onion and full plate of rice in your food, due to these you may not be feeling so romantic.
Dessert :- After all these, there is no much space in your stomach. So, choose light dessert like your favorite flavor ice cream, milk made simple dessert like kheer with almond and pista , or you buy something from bakery's.

2. Decorate location and set mood for your romantic dinner :-

Before starts decoration, you should decide the best place, cutlery set, theme of your dinner date, arrange soft scented aroma candles, soft music and all.

Decide best place :- Choose romantic area of your house like garden, open terrace, or living room. Avoid that area which is used daily for dinner.

Dinner table decoration :- First decide your theme. According to your theme, covers the table with table top, place mats, napkins, cutlery and glasses. Use some big candles with candle stands in center of table and some small around the whole dinning area. Avoid getting too many scented candles because, although the scent might be good, it can become overwhelming.You can use red roses, roses petals, heart shape red balloon's. Flowers look elegant, place them on table.

Play soft music :- Play soft and romantic music like jazz, basso nova or your favorite songs as the background music. Music should be set on low volume and soothing to the ears.

Switch of all distractions :- Distraction like TV, radio, mobile, phone switch off all in your dinner time. These things creates disturbance and you both do not focus each other. Once you put all the distractions away, you can focus on having a romantic dinner date.

Dress up nicely :- After all the arrangements, dress up properly. Finished all left work and now take a shower which relax and refresh you. Select your dress in which you looks pretty and gorgeous. Put on some perfume and make up. when your partner comes at home, he will Surprise and appreciate your effort. You both will feel the even more special.

When all set at night, call your partner to confirm the time when he will coming. Dim the all lights and light up all the candles, make the every moment special and feel refresh love in romantic night.

Enjoy your date !!!