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Monday, September 23, 2013

Currently Reading: Goal Digger!

Last month, when I posted an article on how to manifest anything you want, I received a request to share some of my favorite personal development books. I thought this was a great idea.  I've read, and listened to, countless inspiration/motivational books over the years,  but instead of going backwards in time, I thought I would start this series by sharing some of what I'm currently reading.

Not too long ago, I downloaded a new book for reading on my long flights.  I picked up a copy of Goal Digger, by Alicia Dunams.  Alicia defines a "goal digger" as a woman who desires wealth in all areas of her life, seeks the secrets of the millionaire mind, and has the smarts, optimism, and passion to do it herself."  This book intrigued me because I have long wanted to understand the mindset and thought process of millionaires.

Alicia, back in her dating prime was courted by several millionaires after being told by Nicole Murphy, at a New Year's Eve party,  that she was too pretty to struggle in life and that she should date rich.  Alicia took that advice after her, then boyfriend also mysteriously told her the same thing.  Days later, she sees an episode of a talk show where Millionaire Matchmaker, Patti Stanger, is featured.  Alicia read all the signs and decided to plunge into the world of relationships with wealthy men.

Here's where it gets interesting, instead of plotting to find one to marry and settle comfortably with, Alicia finds herself asking them detailed questions about how they made their millions.  With each wealthy man, Alicia picks up more and more insight into the common (thought) factors of the rich.  Alicia's life changed when, one day, a millionaire boyfriend leaned over to her and said that she too was industrious enough to become a millionaire.  From that moment on, she shifted her mindset from being a person on the outside looking in, to someone who could create the same level of success as the men she dated.

I'm not too far along in the book, but so far I'm really enjoying it. The lessons I'm learning aren't new but they have a different connotation when coupled with real life examples of how successful individuals applied the principles in their lives.  For instance "Mr Smooth," one of her exes, carried an index card in his wallet that listed his goals for the year which he pulled out and read every morning.  Alicia shared an experience with Mr. Smooth when he took her to secret location where guest were only allowed access by speaking the words "Abracadabra!"  Alicia, asked him what those words meant.  He looked at her and said, "I create as I speak."  From that day on she practiced the "Abracadabra" principle for everything she desired in life.

I'm not in a hurry to finish this book.  Instead I'd rather marinate on the concepts and ideas  & lessons while practicing them on a daily basis.  I know that if I do the things that fit people do, I will become fit.  If I do the things that happy people do, I will become happy.  If I do the things that wealthy people do, I too will become wealthy.  Once I had a dream/vision that I met a very wealthy man.  He was very busy so I only had time to ask him one question.  I asked him, what is the ONE thing can make someone successful.  He looked at me and with a single word he answered, "choices."  Instantly I awoke and began to think about what he said to me.  It's not about waking up one day and having the keys to success, it's about the choices we make moment by moment that creates our reality.

I'm really enjoying this book.  And at only $2.99 I am receiving much more value than I invested.