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Tuesday, November 26, 2013

{First Impressions} Thairapy 365 Conditioning Iron

Finally had the opportunity to take my new conditioning iron for a spin.  It looks like a flat iron, but behaves like a deep conditioning treatment.  At least, that's what it claims. There was no way that I'd pass up the opportunity to try such a novel idea, so I made my order on Amazon and waited patiently.  There were two options available to me.  The Jose Eber conditioning tool and the one made by Thairapy 365.  I chose the latter because of my experience with the Clarisonic and my Microdermabrasion machines. In both instances, I purchased the less expensive model, then upgraded and experienced the difference.  This time, I decided to get the "best that money can buy." 

The package itself only came with an iron and some safety instructions.  There was nothing in the box about how to use the conditioning iron.  So I went online and did some research.  The Thairapy website had some videos on the tool which I wasn't able to play.  Instead, I found some videos on how to use the Jose Eber iron.  I gather that it's meant to be used with a leave-in prior to styling.  But  I decided to try something a little different. 

I pre-pooed using Trader Joe's Nourish Spa. Then I jumped into the shower , rinsed, shampooed then stepped out to begin deep conditioning.  In a small bowl, I combined Kanechom Shea Butter and Silicon Mix Pearl Protein.  In went a half a capful of Pure Protein to complete the deep conditioning mix. After applying conditioner all over, I flipped the on switch and waited.  Then I was like "what am I waiting for, this thing doesn't have to heat up."  Just to confirm, I touched the plates which were glowing bright red.  As suspected, they were comfortable to touch. Not hot at all. 

So I took a section and started my first pass.  After the third section, I realized that I was using this thing like a flat iron. Meaning, I was passing it very quickly (as if to avoid heat damage) and I tried to avoid spending too much time on the ends.  I had to retrain myself to use this in a different way than I would my flat iron.  I took my time on each section and began to pay even more attention  on my ends.

When I close the iron, the lights change from bright red to a mix of red and blue. There's also a very slight 'frequency sound" as you use the iron.  Other than that, you feel like it's not doing anything.  It doesn't straighten like a flat iron although it does give a very slight straightening effect. Could be due to the pressure of the plates against the hair. 

After I completed "ironing" my hair with the deep conditioner in, I jumped back into the shower then prepared for the styling process.  I decided to pop open my last tube of Biolage Cera Repair so I can seal the ceramides into the cuticle.   Again, I used the tool in sections over my entire head.  This time, I started noticing a difference in my hair as it began to dry.  My hair seemed a little stiff.  Similar to when my hair starts behaving after a deep protein treatment.  Not sure how I felt about this. I told myself, "OK, at least I know my hair will be stronger after this, 'cause my hair absorbed the protein really well." 

I dampened my hair again in preparation for the roller set.  The amount of hair I lost during this process was so minuscule it was laughable.  A couple of months ago, I was concerned about my hair loss when I roller set.  I was going to write a post about it but thought it'd be better for me to test various solutions before sharing my thoughts.  So far, this experience has exceeded my expectations in that area.

While I was under the dryer, I thought to myself.  I think it's a good product but I'm not sure it should be called a "moisturizing tool" because my hair didn't feel extra moisturized.  Little did I know that I would be eating those words when I removed my rollers and over the next couple of days.  Indeed my hair does feel moisturized.  The stiff hair I had earlier was gone.  My hair does feel like it experienced an ultra deep conditioning treatment even though I used zero heat or steam. Based on the review on Amazon, and the information on the box, the results will continue improve over the next 30 days. 

Honestly, even if my hair doesn't continue to improve beyond this, I would still be happy.  But, since the best is yet to come, I will be a bit more intentional next time and use even smaller sections.   Overall my hair feels like my cuticles are smoother and the strands are softer.  To me, this is the epitome of deep conditioning.   I'm very happy.