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Saturday, February 15, 2014

Day in the Life | An afternoon in L.A.

Last week, I was fortunate enough to take a quick trip to L.A.  Since most of the trip was dedicated to work, I only had a few hours to dedicate to exploring the city.  I had to act fact so I reached for my Yelp app and searched for the nearest "boutiques" and found Shopaholic Sample Sales.
Quickly, I made my way over there hoping I'd find something I'd be able to afford.
After perusing the sales floor for a few minutes, I stumbled upon some must have jewelry items and a few potentials for my wardrobe.  My bliss was interrupted by a super friendly sales girl who inquired about whether I was ready to try on my selections.
Once I let her know I was ready, she led me to a "community dressing room"  where several women were trying on clothes.  Never in my life have I tried on clothes in an open room with others so I was taken a back by the experience.  I tried to play it off by acting as if this was a normal occurrence for me.  
After the shopping was done, I once, again asked my trusty Yelp App for  sushi recommendations.  Much to my delight, the was a location nearby that featured black rice sushi!  Ever since I was first introduced black rice, I've been on the lookout for a local restaurant that offered black rice as an option, with no luck.
Luckily for me, Slowfish gave me the chance to have my wish.

I enjoyed two black rice rolls as a perfect ending to a wonderful afternoon.  Having seen black rice sushi with my own eyes, I have the confidence to recreate them at home.  Can't wait to go back.