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Monday, September 29, 2014

Monday Motivation | Hesitation leads to regret

I learned a very valuable lesson last week and I felt compelled to share it so you can avoid making the same mistake. As you read this post imagine me sitting across from you staring you directly in the eyes as I beg you to heed my words.

I consider myself somewhat risk averse.  Simply put, I like to play it safe.  I'd rather save my money than invest it.  Before making a decision I like to weigh all the pros and cons.  And I also tend to hesitate with taking action. Sometimes waiting until it's absolutely necessary before I take a step forward.

Every time I hesitate in taking action, I rationalize that I protecting myself from an undesirable outcome.  I couldn't be further from the truth.  In fact, it is my hesitation that actually creates the undesirable outcome.  Any time that still, small voice tells me to take a step forward, I begin to logically break down the decision to see if it makes sense.  Nine times out of ten, I eventually end up going with my first inclination. And when I do, I realize how much my hesitation cost me.

Listen.  Every time you take a new action, you receive a new result.  Every time you hesitate, you are preventing that new result from coming into your life.  Every time your inner voice tells you to do should consider that message as prompt to move into a new (wonderful) territory.  Forget the reasons and excuses.  Whenever the voice prompts. Ask yourself this question.  What good will come if I do this now?  Chances are, you will experience several benefits if you take that step.  If you don't, you'll lose. Maybe lose is too strong of a word.  Let's just say that there is a cost.  You delay the possibility of something new, wonderful, and amazing from happening.  You prevent yourself from moving forward.

Do me a favor, next time you hear the prompt to take a new action.  Analyze all the potential benefits that may come from moving forward with the action immediately versus putting it off.  Think about how much further along you will be if you start today.  Then go!