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Sunday, June 14, 2015

5 Best Natural Hair Conditioners - For your smooth, soft and beautiful hair

In today's world, style and fashion is the top priority for all. We all want to look best and beautiful from head to toe. We always try to wears latest trendy clothes, do makeup according to trend, matching footwear's, hair styling and maintain our-self in all fields. 

All these things are essential but somewhere we got the side effects from over doing makeup and hair styling. 

Regular wearing of makeup damages our skin like dry skin, closed skin pores. Like this hair, regular using of  hair gels, sprays, harsh shampoos, or hair styling tools ( hair straightener, curlers etc) damages our hair too. So, proper skin and hair care is very important and essential, if  we want to look beautiful and gorgeous.

For cleaning our hair, we use different types of shampoos and it works good but only hair cleaning is not enough for our hair, they also wants moisturisation and nourishment. Regular use of shampoo makes our hair dry, frizzy and causes split ends. 

For treating this, our hair experts introduce hair conditioner. Hair conditioner is the product that changes the texture and appearance of our hair. As you know that hair conditioner is applied after shampooing. 

In market, there is wide range of hair conditioner products are available  including rinse out, leave it and spray on. The main purpose of Hair conditioner is to restoring moisture and smoothing the hair cuticle of the hair follicles. It helps to make your hair soft , smooth and shiner. These are good for hair but if we found natural hair conditioner at our home than why we bought these artificial conditioner. 

It is difficult to find desired conditioner according to our hair type that is why natural hair conditioner is always recommended. Natural conditioners are very effective and harmless. It also provides deep conditioning to our hair. 

5 Best Natural Hair Conditioners

There are some Natural Hair Conditioner which deep condition and ease the dryness in our hair. Read on to find out more about them.


If you have dry, damage or breakage hair problem than yogurt is the best hair treatment for it. Yogurt contains vitamins and proteins in it, so if you are looking for a quick treatment it can be used.

You can use yogurt directly or mix 1 tbsp olive oil in it. Apply over the entire scalp and leave it for 20 minutes. Rinse it with cold water.


Banana is rich in vitamins, potassium,and carbohydrates. Banana is great for dry itchy scalp, prevents split ends, and decreases hair fall. Banana is moisture rich fruit which helps to increase the moisture content in your hair and scalp.

Take a ripe banana and mash it, apply this paste on over our scalp to hair tip. You can add 1 tbsp honey and coconut oil in it. Leave it for 15 minutes and than wash off with cold water.


From many decades, eggs are used for hair treatments. Eggs provides strengthening to your hair and also helps your dull hair to make it silky and shiny.  Eggs are rich source of protein and vitamins, it is the best natural remedy for dull and damaged hair. 

Use of egg as a hair conditioner is so easy. Simply make a mixture of  1 egg yolk, 1 tbsp olive oil, 1 tbsp honey and mix it well. Apply this mixture over your scalp and massage gently. Cover your head with shower cap or with towel and leave it for 20 minutes. Wash your hair with Luke warm water. 


Henna is the natural herbal powder of henna leaves. Henna is a good conditioner for your hair and also helps to prevents itchy dandruff scalp. Its make your hair silky and shiny. It is also used for coloring hair. 

Mix 2 cups henna powder with 2 tbsp amla ( dry gooseberry )powder, 2 tbsp methi (Fenugreek) powder and half cup yogurt before 2-3 hours of applying it. Apply this paste over you scalp to hair tips and leave it for 1-2 hours. Wash with cold water.

Coconut oil

Coconut oil is the most popular hair conditioner. Coconut oil helps to improving hair cuticle and scalp skin, repair damaged hair and prevents keratin loss. Its anti-fungal property helps to removing any fungal infection as well as helps in  itchy scalp. It also improves dull and frizzy hair and provides moisture in it.

Massage 10 minutes your head scalp with warm coconut oil with gentle motion. After that wrap your head with wet towel ( towel dip in warm water and squeeze it). Leave it for 20 minutes and then wash your hair with shampoo. Its makes your hair soft and smooth. You can add 1 tbsp of lemon juice with coconut oil.

The key component to get healthy hair naturally is use natural hair conditioners on a regular basis. Add this in your daily hair care regime. Personally, I loved to use henna on my hair. By using it, henna gives burgundy red color to my hair and it looks so beautiful. So, try these natural ingredient as a conditioner and it will makes your hair more manageable, soft, smooth and shiner.