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Sunday, June 7, 2015

How much water should drink a day a child?

Child Health - one of the major concerns of the parents. Did you know that water plays a key role in shaping the child's body and strengthen the immune system? In this article we describe how this life-giving liquid, it is desirable to drink a day for children of different ages and why it matters.
Science has long proved crucial use quantity of water required per day. This is not surprising. For example, a child's body is 80% consists of water and an adult - 60%. Water is easily digested and has a strong influence on all the processes occurring in it. Its shortage leads to poor health, reduced immunity, and even weight gain. Often, the development of certain diseases - is a signal that our body is not enough water! A particularly important role played by the liquid to children's health. And the sooner you can help your child to form a habit of competent use of water, the easier it will be to maintain the proper lifestyle in adulthood.

The role of water in shaping the child's body

As we have said, the water has a positive effect on health and is involved in vital processes. Its regular consumption improves metabolism, maintains the pressure and body temperature, reduces the risk of symptoms of allergic reactions, and even improves mood. Dehydration also leads to fatigue, exhaustion, development of a number of diseases. Especially dangerous lack of water at an elevated body temperature on hot days.
Here are just a small list of health problems that result from lack of water:
  • Infections and allergic reactions;
  • Dry skin;
  • Kidney stones;
  • Problems with digestion and metabolism;
  • Pain in the joints and back;
  • Problems with the teeth and gums.
In short, the water - it is a natural component of our body. For children the correct mode, and the consumption of this fluid play a very important role, because in this age all the systems of the body are formed. The sooner a child learns to drink water regularly, the less you'll be with him to visit a doctor.

What kind of water to give the child

From what kind of water you give your child will depend on his health and well-being. Of course, an ordinary raw water from the tap is not out of the question, even if it is boiled. Do not come up and water from wells or pump-room, as well as bottled water for adults. The fact is that drinking water to the infant, and even water to prepare baby food is subject to special regulations, which are contained in SanPiN

Children's water:

  • It must have a balanced mineral composition. In particular, the amount of salts and their concentration in the nursery water is much lower than in water for adults;
  • Should not be treated with chemicals;
  • It should not contain preservatives, including carbon dioxide and silver microorganisms;
  • When it comes to bottled water, the labeling should contain information that is "child water" or "water of the highest category," as well as information that the product has been registered in the Federal Service.
In addition, the infant water must meet the following standard values:

IndexStandard value
Mineralization salts250-500 mg / l
Iodide ions0.04 - 0.06 mg / l
Fluoride ions0.6 - 1 mg / l
Potassium2 - 20 mg / l
Calcium25 - 80 mg / l
Bicarbonates30 - 400
Stiffness1.5 - 7 mEq / L
Alkalinity0, 5 - 6,5 mEq / l

If you prefer bottled water, infant, be sure to read the label. The last shall be specified the type of water, its category, information on state registration, chemical and physiological composition, storage conditions, production date, shelf life and a gathering place.
Unfortunately, the quality of children's bottled water is poor. Thus, according to recent research nonprofit organization "Roskontrol" of 12 popular children's brands analyzed the water, only 3 have been tested. In other samples, it was found high content of ammonia, microorganisms identified unbalanced salt composition.
That is why many experts recommend giving children water purified in household filters, designed specifically for children.Moreover, use of the latter is often not only ensures purification from microorganisms, excess salt and water as necessary enrichment child trace elements such as fluorine and magnesium.Recent badly needed child to the age of three.

The rate of water consumption by a child

How is it that you need to drink water baby? Consumption rate will depend on the age, weight, mobility, physical condition, and even the weather.

From 0 to 1 year

Baby 4-6 months, typically all nutrients - including water - prepared from mother's milk. During this period, doctors do not recommend kids drink water. First of all, because at this time is formed by intestinal flora, and any interference can affect the process. Moreover, the water fills the stomach and gives a false sense of fullness - because this baby can not eat up.
Mother's milk is perfectly adjusted to the needs of the child. And if the baby is hot, it is often applied to the chest, and as a result gets a lot of "front of milk," which at 88-90% water.
It is important that this mother herself consumed the right amount of water and not feel thirsty!
However, some experts are allowed to give a little water on a spoon with three months - but only in hot weather, when the baby is sweating or has dry mouth. Forcing in any case it is not necessary, just to offer. And this should be done between feedings. Water can also be offered in the following cases:
  • Constipation;
  • Diarrhea or vomiting;
  • Hiccups;
  • Fever.
But it should be done again carefully, without perseverance.
But if the child is on artificial or mixed feeding, then water must be used for the preparation of mixtures and further give it between feedings from the first day. But remember, the baby can drink no more than 100-200 ml per day.
In general, children under one year requires 50 ml of water for every kilogram of body weight, but do not forget that approximately 75% of the water they get from milk and food. Therefore, to calculate how much of the life-giving liquid is to maintain the water balance of the indicator follows the daily requirement (50 ml, multiplied by the weight of the child) to subtract the amount of water produced from food (milk drunk in ml, multiplied by 0.75).

From 1 to 3 years

When administered in the diet of solid food, water demand increases. At the same time, children are beginning to move, so the loss of fluid increases. Calculate the daily need for water may be the same pattern: the child must be 50 ml of water per kilogram of body weight. At the same time we are talking about pure non-carbonated water, juices, fruit drinks, tea and other similar drinks are not included.
Here are some of the signs by which we can determine that the child is not enough water:
  • Dry lips and mouth;
  • The skin is dry and / or pale;
  • After 6-8 hours of sleep a dry diaper;
  • The child shows anxiety, crying often, with no tears;
  • The urine is dark or strong odor;
  • The child eagerly drinking water.

From 3 to 7 years

The older the child, the more water he drinks. By school age, this volume will already reach 1.2-1.7 liters of water per day. This 4 years old the baby begins to actively shape the nervous and skeletal system. Therefore so important that water containing the necessary amount of fluoride and magnesium
During this period it is important to teach a child to drink regularly. Care should be taken that the water has always been in the public domain. On a walk with a bottle, you can take the comfortable "neprolivajka."
For children with heart disease, kidney disease, diabetes drinking regime should be strictly prescribed by a doctor.

From 7 years old and older

At this age, the rate of water consumption - 1.7-2.5 liters of water a day. When calculating the value of the individual know that should take into account the activity of your child. If he goes in for sports and generally physically active, the amount of the liquid to be increased. Also keep in mind that the composition of the water for children 12 years of age and older should be as close to the water for adults. And remember that in the period of disease or in hot weather, the need for fluid increases.