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Tuesday, December 31, 2013

2013 Year in Review | Lessons in Healthy Hair

2014 is quickly approaching. I don't know about you but I'm ready for the New Year to begin.  But before we begin our new chapter, I thought it would be appropriate to take a look back at the lessons we learned so far in 2013.  

 Please join me as we take a stroll down memory lane.

The first big learning we had this year was during our discussion of the L.O.C. Method.  This is simply a moisturizing and sealing routine that takes your hair's moisture to the next level.  We discussed the remixed version (L.C.O.) which consisted of adding a liquid to the hair then a cream moisturizer followed by your favorite oil.

Right after discussing the L.C.O method, I received an email from a reader praising the wonders of scalp brushing which really promoted healthy growth.  It's like a receiving a scalp massage, only better!  Since I had a ton of brushes in my arsenal, I decided to try this technique for myself and loved the results compared to regular scalp massages.  And of course, you know I had to take that experience to the next level by adding a special roller pin to for even greater scalp stimulation.

2013 was also the year that I added a few additional hair tools to my collection.  After learning about the powers of infrared technology, and how beneficial it was for the hair,  I was sold.  Soon I acquired the Babyliss steam flat iron,  the Croc Infrared flat iron and, of course, (my favorite) the Thairapy 365 conditioning tool.  I think I'm pretty much set for a while. 

Another major game changer for me was the addition of Babyface Pure Protein to my regimen.  It was like the folks at Babyface were sitting around the table strategizing on the perfect product for me.  Before Pure Protein came along, I would mix my protein rich conditioners into my moisturizing conditioners to create a perfect blend.  Now, I no longer have to do this because Pure Protein is the solution to everything!  I just got my second bottle in the mail so, even though it comes in a small package, it lasts quite a long time.  I'm a Pure Protein user for life!

To be quite honest with you.  I had a bit of a struggle, with my hair journey, the first half of the year.  Most of it was due to neglect as I placed more attention on my skin journey.  In order to shift things around, I decided to invest in a hair analysis.  The results were shocking! Seeing my poor strands multiplied by 1000X was eye opening.  Because of that I vowed to be more consistent with my practices.  That's when I started using protein treatments more regularly after cutting off several inches of hair.  I'm so glad I got that analysis because it introduced me to the idea that protective styling could be both helpful and harmful to the hair. 

One new addition to my hair regimen was the creation of my Mega Omega blend.  My hair loved that stuff but once I ran out, I was too lazy to make more.  As soon as I'm done with this post, I'm headed straight over to my product closet and whip me up anther batch.

I think one of my favorite experiences of this year was when miss Yahya joined our conversation and enlightened us with her knowledge of Japanese straightening. After seeing this girl at a Make Up show event, who also uses Japanese straightening, I became intrigued with the process.  Yahya schooled us thoroughly on the ins and outs.  Her hair was so captivating that I wanted to learn more.  So she shared her extensive regimen with us.  I was beyond impressed.  From her sharing we would be introduced to a method that would change the game for a lot of us.  She taught us how to "begin with the ends in mind" by applying additional protein to our ends where they need it most.  I tried that method and loved it!  You should too!  Caring for our ends didn't stop there.  Later I discussed the benefit for sealing the ends more intensely than the rest of our hair.  This is a retention method naturals have been using for years and now we can use it to elevate the ends of our ends.

Honestly, I thoughts things couldn't get any better until I happen to stumble upon a YouTube video featuring the wonders of Kanechom & Silicon Mix blended together to create a "super conditioner!" I jumped on to the Kanechom bandwagon head first and never looked back.  My excitement led me to try most of the variety available and they're all winners in my book.

Overall, I would classify 2013 as a phenomenal year! So much learning and progress yet I know that there is still much, much more to learn.  And to be honest with you, I can't wait to see what's ahead for us.  Cheers to another wonderful year and see you in 2014!