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Monday, January 20, 2014

Monday Motivation | Increasing Financial Abundance

We're moving right along in our Financial Abundance Series.  I'm grateful that some of your are benefiting from this conversation. When we last talked, we discussed some strategies on how to increase your current wages.  If you are committed to stretching outside of your current comfort zone, set up a conversation with your supervisor about your intention to grow in the company so he/she can help direct your development.  If they don't, pay attention to who else can help you in moving and build relationships with them as part of your strategy.

I believe that everyone who wishes to impact their abundance will have to do some internal work.  Think about someone who wins the lottery. Suddenly, they are blessed with a financial reward beyond measure. But somehow, that person finds themselves broke years later.  How does that happen?  The person wasn't ready to be a good stewart of financial increase.  S/he was operating under the old mindset and the old ways of doing things.  That doesn't work.  THE OLD WAY THAT YOU THINK OF & DEAL WITH MONEY WILL NOT ALLOW FOR ABUNDANCE TO GROW IN YOUR CURRENT SITUATION.  I'm not saying that you won't get raises or receive decent size checks.  Those things will happen.They happen to everyone.  I'm saying that in order to receive the level abundance you desire, things in your life must be different than they are currently.

One mindset shift that I'm made a while back is how I look at money.  Before, when I got paid, I would spend my entire check.  Then, as my mindset elevated, I began to save some of what I made.  Now as I continue to grow, I am now seeming money as a tool to generate more money.  It started with putting my money into a high interested bearing savings account and being rewarded for my actions.  That was a good start but I was looking for other ways to "make money on my money."  The next best option was to enroll in 401k.  If you work for a company that offers & matches your  401k contribution, sign up for it today!  If you don't, you are leaving money on the table which is a travesty.  Wealthy people never leave money on the table (ever).

Once you have money going in a savings account and you have a 401(k) account, you are headed in the right direction.   At this point, you may find yourself with a little less disposable cash.  You've got two options:

1. Live below your means
2. Increase your "non-work related income."

Which one do you pick?  Both!  Living below your means is pretty straightforward. Track your spending in a way that allows you to have a surplus by your next paycheck.  Your goal, every paycheck, is to have a little extra remaining by the time the next one comes.  Do this enough times and you will find yourself with additional funds with which to create even more. I want you to start the practice of spending your check before you receive it.  Meaning, planning out how you will allocate your money in a way that leaves you a little extra (even after you save).  Lastly, enroll in a 401(k), even if you are only saving 1% of your income.

I mentioned one mindset shift I made to better manage my earnings and using my paycheck income as a way to generate more. But I knew that this was the tip of the iceberg in the game we call "achieving greater level of abundance."  From time to time, my husband and I drive to the other part of town and walk around the wealthier neighborhoods. I remember looking at those amazing homes and thinking to myself "these people probably don't have 9 to 5 jobs."  If that's the case, what are they doing, how did they make their income?  What are they doing that I'm not?  Sure, I know some of them are probably high paying execs but probably only a portion.  The others made their money in other ways. I'm guessing those people fell under category #2 (increase your know work related income).  I know you are probably curious to learn more about option 2.  Let's talk more about it next week.