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Saturday, November 29, 2014

The Many Beauty Benefits you'll experience from using MSM Water

This new spray bottle and I have been inseparable ever since our first encounter.  One reason I decided to move away from replenishing my Evian spray bottle stash is because a refillable bottle would allow me the opportunity to experiment with lacing the water with various super ingredients to elevate its effectiveness.  

The very first ingredient that came to mind was powdered MSM.  There are so many reasons why MSM was my first choice.  But I'll just share a few with them with you in hopes of convincing you that MSM powder/water is your very next product purchase.

It all goes back to when I first bought MSM water from the health food store.  The intended purpose was to help nourish my eyes. I found that the best method of doing so was to transfer some of it into a spray bottle.  Then I was like, "I take MSM internally, why not use some of this on my hair?"   This was right around the time I learned of the L.O.C. moisturizing method so it made sense to experiment with my newfound MSM water.   

That's when I realized that somehow MSM water seemed to make my hair feel more moisturized then when using water alone.  Once I realized that my store bought MSM water contained only 2 ingredients, I decided make my own in hopes of increasing the amounts of the active ingredient (MSM) in my formula.  
 MSM water is multifunctional.  Like my Evian mister, I also use MSM water on my face.  Except now,  my skin is reaping the benefits of receiving the MSM which has the ability to address acne concerns by killing bacteria and drying up oil which can lead to flareups.

Not only am I using surfur rich MSM water on my face, I also plan to target my scalp.  Normally, I focus on misting the length of my hair, but now that it's laced with MSM, I want to nourish my scalp to reap some of the amazing benefits.    Using MSM topically could have an impact on, not only the health of my scalp, but also hair growth rate.  I've even read where people experienced healthier new growth texture as a result of using MSM topically.  Not to mention that MSM is also said to help combat dry scalp, dandruff and dermatitis.  May I also add that MSM could have a positive effect on shedding.  They say that MSM could extend the amount of time the hair remains in growth phase. Let's hope this liquid MSM is powerful enough to do just that.

So far I've pointed out how MSM can help create healthier skin, moisturized hair and even better growth.  One last thing I'll mention before I go is how important MSM is for collagen production.  Much like bamboo silica, MSM works synergistically with collagen to keep our skin firm, smooth and moisturized.  So, I always make sure to add some MSM powder to my daily smoothies.

Do you need any more reasons to buy powdered MSM?