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Saturday, August 24, 2013

Glam Glow: Have I stumbled upon a facial in a jar?

There I was, minding my own business at Neiman Marcus when my eyes happen to fall upon some products I hadn't seen there before.  The moment I saw them I was filled with excitement.  I'm not sure where, but I'd heard of Glam Glow products before and the reviews were phenomenal.  I picked up the two boxes (one black one white) and immediately began reading to learn more of the benefits and ingredients.

I have to start by saying that I already have quite a few clay-based masks in my possession. Queen Helene Mint Julep, Aztec Clay, and my Fresh Umbrian Clay Bar.  So why would I buy two more?

Based on what I read on those boxes these masks seemed far superior to my current line up.  Why?  Because they seemed to preform multiple roles.  It's almost like a BB Creme of clay masks.  For example, the Youth Mud Tinglexfoliate Treatment (black jar) boasts of the following ingredients:

- GreenTea Leaves {Brightens complexion+ Balances oil+Protects against free radicals+Hydrates}
-Volcanic Pumic Rock {Multi Level micro exfoliation that you control}
-French Sea Clay {Absorbs impurities & toxic substances}
-Volcanic Minerals {Detoxifies +Awakens skin with increase in circulation}
-Ivy {Tightens & lifts with extended benefits}
-Cucumber {Anti inflammatory + Helps heal + Soothes and calms skin}
-Comfrey Herb {Creates younger looking  complexion +Speeds cell regeneration}
-Lavendar {Helps heal breakouts + Natural anti bacterial + Anti inflammatory}
-Chamomile & Marigold Flower {Fights skin issues + Antimicrobal}

How in the world does someone put a product back on the shelves with such wonderful properties?  I could not resist.  It's designed to be a "10 minute anti-aging facial in a jar" used behind the scenes in Hollywood for immediate camera ready skin.  That is what really sealed the deal for me.  I wanted a mask I could use in "emergency situations" like social events, or if my skin was misbehaving.

Then I checked out what the Super Mud Clearing Treatment had to offer.

It has Acnecidic-6 which is a 4.4% blend of six acids including Alpha Hydroxy & Beta Hydroxy acids perfectly pH balanced to deal with damaged skin, declog and minimize pores, pigmentation, scarring, and breakouts.  There's also activated charcoal which is a high absorption carbon, attracting toxic substances into it's mass up to 500 times it's volume.  It also has other yummy ingredients like mandelic & glycolic acid to help fade scars, salicylic acid to help treat active breakouts, eucalyptus leaves, aloe and so much more.

I had a decision to make. Which one should I buy?  Of course you all know how the story ends.  I have absolutely zero regrets over my indecisiveness. Both of them are like children. They're different but I love them both equally.  The biggest difference between the two, that I noticed, is the Youth Mud is highly textured. There are actual leaves in the mix and you can feel the small pieces of pumice. It takes your skin through a beautifying roller coaster.  First you notice the raw ingredients as you apply, then ,as the mask dries, you begin to feel a light/mild tingle.  Finally, as you rinse off, you realize how gritty and exfoliating it is for the skin.  When you're all done, you are left with a beautiful glow from the entire experience.  The Super Mud has one job that it does really well...enter pores and detoxify.

It's been a couple of days and I've used both once or twice.  I'm not ashamed to say that I'm in love.  One thing I'll also mention is that I also picked up new Clarisonic brushes in the "deep pore cleaning" instead of the acne brush head which is more sensitive.  The combination of the firmer brush and these amazing masks has officially blown my mind.  My pores are way less visible and the minor breakouts I had shrunk up and went on their merry little way.   These masks are pricey (putting it mildly) but I found them on Amazon for much, much less than retail.

My ultimate goal is to create perfectly flawless skin and these babies bring me one step closer.