As my walk was coming to a close, I glanced to my right and saw my dream car, an Audi A6, near a parking meter. Just ahead of me where a group of school children taking part in an outdoor activity. One of the chaperone's/teachers was a young lady who embodied some of the qualities I wanted to have. Her hair was long and healthy, her skin glowed, she was fit. Within seconds , I was confronted an image of my dream car and of how I wanted to look and feel. As you could imagine, I started feeling down on myself because none of it rang true for me. "Why can't my life be like that?" I started to think as I focused on all the lack in my life.
Then, as quickly as I focused on what was "wrong," I started to realize my power in the situation. Suddenly, I asked myself, "what can I do to bring what I want into reality today?" Meaning, even though I did have the outcome yet, I could still do things today that would make my current reality look more like the one I wanted.
That very day, I went home and went to work. Immediately, I did everything within my power to make my current environment look like the one I wanted. I didn't have my dream car and wasn't in the position to buy one at the moment so I asked myself. "What can I do to make it feel like I have a new car?" The answer to that question was to clean and organize the one I was currently driving. And that I did. I made sure that every time I stepped into my car, it would make me feel as good if I were stepping into my Audi. After caring for my current car consistently for weeks, I decided to bring it up a notch by visiting the dealership, taking a test drive, and buying an official Audi key chain. This was my way of brining my future Audi into existence today.
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My former Ipad lock screen |
Then, I thought about the vision I held for physical myself and decided to immediately put new habits into practice. I painted my nails, gave myself a facials, did my hair and made the decision to look my best every day (whether I felt like it or not). I had one job to do, and that was to make outer appearance look like the vision I had for myself. This mission also led me through an intense skin care journey which created results I would never have imagined. This theory of bringing my desires into reality was also put into practice with my fitness journey.
Lately, I realize that I haven't done this much. My results were so amazing last year that I allowed myself to lose focus on the process. Having realized this, I'm ready to get back on track. My focus, this year, is to paint my life's picture so it's mirrors my vision. For example, when I looked at inspirational images of beautiful hair, I noticed that most all of them had trimmed, healthy ends. In reality, my ends needed trimming so I aligned myself by dusting off the parts that didn't appear as it did in my vision. On my Pinterest, "Dream Home" board, I collect images of ultra modern high end homes. Again, I am not (currently) at a place where I can purchase a home like those. But I can mimic it in my reality today. Perhaps I purchase a plant like I see in one of those pics. Maybe I invest an hour decluttering to recreate the minimalistic look. Or I could invest in high end candles that make my home smell like a million bucks! The reason why want to do this is because it creates THE FEELING OF HAVING IT NOW! I felt just as good when I took those pics of flowers sitting in the passenger seat of my 1997 Toyota as I did when I re-entacted that picture with my real Audi. They say that "feeling as though you already have it" is crucial in evoking the Law of Attraction. For me, creating those feelings from a simple visualization is a little difficult. Visualization may work well for some, but I struggle sometimes. So I do this technique as a bridge to join what I want with the current reality. Vision Boards are great tools but I see this process as bringing it one step closer to making it real. This method of brining it into existence works like a charm.
I also practice another version of this method that I will discuss in a post next week.
Have you ever tried something like this? Please share.