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Thursday, March 19, 2015

Best Home remedies for dark circles

Dark circles are looks very unpleasant and sometime very darker looks like a panda eye but it happens in our lives at some point . Dark circles are not a serious skin problem only they make ourselves look exhausted, unhealthy and older. 
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We use different types of makeup to hide them , and even in market different types of concealers, cosmetic products are available easily but these makeup is hardly effective. Most of the cosmetic products are very expensive and have so many chemicals that can be harmful for our dedicated skin under eyes.

The main causes of dark circles are -

  • Heredity Problem – This problem runs in your family from you grandparents to your parents and then you , so you may have inherited it from it.
  • Aging Problem – At the point of age our skin loses its elasticity and dark circles may appears.
  • Lack of sleep and sleep for only few hours.
  • Fluid retention problem causes puffiness under our eyes.
  • Improper and unhealthy diet.
  • Working for very long hours in front of a computer or laptops.

How to get rid of dark circles?

You can easily get rid of dark circles under your eyes by using some natural remedies which can help you to prevent its occurrence in future again. Some of the best remedies to get rid of dark circles lie in our kitchen. 
Here are some of the best home-made remedies are:-

Potato and Cucumber

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Potato and cucumber has the cooling property which make it effective remedy for our dark circles. You can put the slices of fresh cucumber or potato over your eyes , it provides your eyes a soothing touch and coolness.Besides the slices, you can also apply fresh juices of potato or cucumber around your eyes with the help of a cotton ball and dab it softly. Juices are better option than slices you can apply it for entire night for quicker and more effective results.

Tomato mask

Tomato have the anti oxidants and its mask is one of the most effective remedies for dark circles. You can prepare it easily at home. Take 1 fresh tomatoes, half tablespoon of lemon juice and a pinch of gram flour and a pinch of turmeric powder. Mixed it well until they become a thick paste. Apply it gently under your eyes. After 10 minutes , rinse it off gently with clean water. Use this mask twice or thrice every week . This will make your skin lighter in color and tone under your eyes.


Almond oil is the natural ingredient and most popular remedy for removal of dark circles. This is very effective for your delicate skin of your eyes. You can do this only that you apply a little almond oil around your eyes before going to bed and wash it off gently with cold water in the morning. You can apply this for at least a month because it takes time.

Orange and glycerin

Oranges have the all essential anti oxidant and vitamins which is very good for our skin . And glycerin is beneficial for skin , it tone our skin and make it smooth and gloomy. You can use both of them together for better result . Take 2 table spoon orange juice and mixed with 1 tablespoon glycerin than apply on around eyes or even on your overall face . It is very effective way to get rid of dark circles and it provide you an inner glow and will make your skin smoother and softer than before.

Tea Bags 

Tea bags are also very beneficial remedy for your dark circles. Dip 2 tea bags in a cold water and than place it on each eye and let it rest for a while. It gives you a cooling effect and relaxed you eyes.

Mint leaves

Mint leaves has a cool aroma in it . It's fragrance gives a coolness and relaxed feeling. It is a very effective option for your dark circles , first you crushed few mint leaves and make it like a paste . And apply over your eyes . This will not only soothe your eyes but will also help you in getting rid of dark circles. After 10 minutes, gently wipe it off with cold cloth.

Rose water

Rose water is used in cosmetic and also in many treatments . It contains Vitamin C and A, and has also antioxidants properties.Dip cotton eye pads or balls in rose water and place it on your eye for 20 minutes. Rose water revives tired eyes skin and making it more radiant. It is very effective for irritation, redness and inflammation of eyes.

If you want to get rid of these dark circles on your eyes, then do not waste time and money. Try these home remedies and You can easily get rid of dark circles under your eyes at your home.