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Thursday, January 1, 2015

Year in Review! What we learned in 2014

We've made it through another amazing year!  I really want to express my sincere gratitude for everyone who is reading this post right now.  You all are a huge part of my life and I am grateful to you for sticking with me.

Now let's take a look back at all we've discovered in 2014 so we can maintain healthy practices in the year to come.
Last year, we continued our discussion on healthy ends via our "Happy Endings" series.  We kicked off the year with a bang once we learned that repairing split ends is humanly possible! Then, later on in the year, we learned a new and truly interesting technique for dealing with split ends---burning them. I was beyond intrigued by this method and decided to (cautiously) put it to the test.  Much to my surprise, my hair didn't combust into a huge ball of flames, and my hair felt a little healthier afterwards.  Finally, I was really excited to learn about and try micro trimming, which is where I trim a little bit of hair each month with the end goal of evening out the hair without the trauma of a mini (or big) chop.  So far so good.

Some new products came into my life in 2014 and many of them will remain active in my regimen this year.  One such product was Nexxus' split end repair line.  Once I learned of the miracle of split end repair, I went all out and experimented with various brands.  Nexxus was my fave so I stocked up when I saw them on sale at Target.  But then I started micro trimming and I'm not sure how much I need split end repair products since I don't experience them as much as I used to.  But it's always nice to seal the hair after trimming to prevent new splits from forming, which is why Nexxus' split end products will forever be part of my regimen.

Another item I bought and loved with my protein reconstructor from Tiger.  It's the strengthening leave in that I've been waiting for all of my life.  Because of this leave-in, my damaged areas are coming back to life!  Tiger will forever be a part of my regimen from this day forward.

Although not a hair product, my next staples are my collection of lip liners that I stumbled upon the last few weeks of the year.  I freakin' love them so much! *pauses crafting post to apply NYX's Mahogany on lip.*

This year I also introduced a new series entitled "Style School" where you received higher education on how to create such styles as the Three Strand Twist, Big Voluminous Curls and the perfect waves via the Scarf Braid Out method.

Lastly, 2014 was a great year for beauty! The biggest lesson of the year was to use coconut oil as a night cream!  I first got hip to it after a gorgeous flight attendant enthusiastically shared how coconut oil applied on her skin at night kept it flawless and beautiful.    That should have been enough to convince me but once one of my childhood "shero" Alysia Rogers  also mentioned that she keeps her flawless skin healthy via the use of coconut at night, I was sold.  Speaking of coconut oil, we need to add Capriclear to the staple list because that stuff was a true gift to me this year.  It made my coconut oil portable which meant that I had a facial moisturizer, hair oil, skin moisturizer, cuticle oil, on me at all times.

Another big lesson in 2014 was the power of exfoliation. We've talked about how to create a smooth even-toned body using this advanced exfoliation technique and also discussed how many celebrity beauties keep their skin looking perfect by exfoliating very regularly.  Armed with this knowledge, we have no excuse but to be flawless by summer.

Finally, I'll wrap it up by reflecting on one of my most popular posts this year.  An impromptu conversation at the airport reminded us all that putting time and effort into our physical appearance can be life changing.  It demonstrates our confidence and our gratitude for life itself.  I challenge every person reading this to celebrate 2015 by putting a great importance in the way you carry yourself.  The impact this could have on your life could be transformative.

Now.....let's get started on another great year!