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Sunday, June 7, 2015

Care of the elderly: a nurse or specialized boarding house?

People from ancient times looking for the secret of eternal youth. Although recent medical advances for many years can extend the life of a magical agent has not yet been invented. Sooner or later there comes a time when the years take their, and our elderly relatives, who once took care of us, they themselves need care and maintenance.

Features of care for the elderly

Care for the elderly - a difficult and very serious matter. It requires not only endurance and patience, and the ability to find contact with the person. Unfortunately, with age, the nature of people is changing for the worse. An elderly man, exhausted poor health and loneliness, struggling controls your mood. Often older people become withdrawn, overly touchy, suspicious, including a very high percentage of patients with depression. Therefore, a person who has devoted herself to the care of the elderly should be a subtle psychologist having stress tolerance and endurance.
However, this is not enough - nursing the elderly is impossible without basic medical knowledge and skills. The man, who decided to take over the functions of a nurse should be physically strong, to know all about the care of immobile patients, to be able to cook a special dietary food, have the skills to carry out all the necessary hygiene procedures and certain medical procedures - such as massages and injections.
In addition, as small children, the elderly need attention around the clock - often age-related changes and diseases make them completely helpless. And young families are torn between the need to equip your own life and help their elderly parents. Such assistance is not temporary and unlimited duration - if children over the years, becoming more and more self-reliant, in old age is the opposite. When your loved ones need special care, should prepare for the fact that the situation does not improve, and over time will require more effort, time and attention. This is a very difficult situation, and the most effective and best of all its members to instruct the output becomes the care of older professionals.

Professional Services care for older people

In the care of the elderly, there are two approaches - coming nurse or specialized boarding. Both options have advantages and disadvantages.


Coming nurse - a registered nurse specially trained and knowing all the details of caring for the elderly. It's not an easy profession, it took root, only those who have not only education, but also special personal qualities - patience, hard work, sense of humor, compassion and sincerity. This combination - a rarity, and therefore really good carers not so much.
Nurses may be coming (hourly) or living (with a fixed payment for a certain period of time).
Advantages. The advantage of patronage services lies in their flexibility - the customer pays as many hours nurses as he requires. The nurse comes to the house, which means that the patient does not need to move anywhere. This can be a significant advantage - many older people are categorically against any major change, especially change of residence. And the family does not have to part with a relative.
Disadvantages. Many people feel uncomfortable when their house is always present an outsider, and because the nurse did have to spend in your apartment a very long time. However, this problem does not matter if an elderly relative lives separately.
You need to be alert to the possibility that a carefully selected nurse may for some reason do not suit you or if it is not built a relationship with the patient, and then the whole process will have to start the search again.
And finally, the main problem - a matter of trust. You must be absolutely sure of the nurse, her honesty, integrity and professionalism - is the person who will spend a lot of time alone with a helpless person, and often no one will monitor its performance. Certain guarantees give good advice and through the selection of a nurse specialized agency whose responsibilities include checking all employees, but it is not an absolute guarantee.
Prices. The cost of the nurse depends on the experience, skills and personal qualities, as well as the amount of work. The more hours you pay at once, the less amount of one o'clock cost of its operation. On average, an hour is coming nurse 250-300 rubles, or 1,500 if you pay immediately 24 hours. All medical manipulations necessary to the patient, to be paid separately. Monthly salary of a nurse with accommodation starts from 22 000 rubles - a minimum. The higher the qualification of nurses, the higher the price of services. In addition to salaries customer must provide it with food and accommodation.

Specialized pension (caring for the elderly with accommodation)

Services care for the elderly and provide special pensions. Modern guesthouse - a kind of comfortable country inn providing a certain set of medical services. Typically, these pensions are located in the suburbs, in green and quiet places, but not too far from the city to close was convenient to visit their relatives.
Private pensions for the elderly not only provide accommodation and care. They are equipped specifically for older people with disabilities and offer a very wide range of services including special medical care and rehabilitation measures (which is especially important for people who have experienced trauma, surgery and serious illness). In addition - and this is almost more important than qualified medical support - boarding guests get the opportunity to return to society. The isolation of older people from society - a very serious problem, because the longing and loneliness drain life force faster than any disease. In the pension as people can communicate and be entertained - in places a lot of attention is paid to cultural programs, regularly hosts concerts, picnics, master classes on various kinds of arts and crafts, film screenings and musical evenings.
Of course, speaking about the boarding houses for the elderly, it is difficult to avoid the discussion of the negative image that such institutions have in our country. Lack of funding and lack of personnel led to the fact that the state nursing home turned into something very far from the above-described typical pension. The only advantage of government agencies - low price. However, the cost of staying in a private boarding house is also not particularly high - especially when you consider that it includes everything - from daily care and nutrition to medical care. Of course, the pension will cost more, but who wants to save money on health and well-being of a loved one?
In Western countries, the system of boarding houses for the elderly is very well developed - in the United States account goes on tens of thousands, and in any other European country has at least a few thousand comfortable facilities for the elderly. And there is the image of such centers is much better than in Russia - sending relative to the boarding house is not seen as a waiver of liability, but as an organization well-earned rest in the best conditions. By the way, the cost of staying in European boarding is much higher than in similar establishments Russian.
Advantages. The staff of the private pension can provide a more complete and professional care than the nurse coming. Pensions have the necessary sophisticated equipment, which is installed at home is simply impossible. In addition, for the lodgers looked after not only highly skilled nurses and a medical staff of various profiles.The nurse could only ensure the maintenance of vital functions and elementary comfort, but great attention is paid to the boarding and quality of life. Rehabilitation programs help to restore the lost functions, the animation team entertains the guests, chefs are developing useful and varied menu, peers and society gives patients the opportunity to once again feel like a complete human being.
Pensions allow to pick up a flexible program designed to any customer needs and opportunities. The stay may be limited to a few days, weeks or months, the organization of permanent residence or holding certain rehabilitation courses of varying duration.
The advantage of pensions consists in the fact that the state employees are usually quite large and each guest can find a nurse-nurse, which he likes.
Disadvantages. In the last 10 years, suburban homes for the elderly are gaining popularity, regularly opening new institutions, and today the choice is already large enough. Therefore, in order to find the perfect place for your family, would have to spend some time. Do not choose a pension, only a limited view of the site - be sure to come to the boring place to see with your own eyes, talk to staff and, where possible, to other customers.
Another disadvantage pensions - more psychological than practical.Older people are not always enthusiastic about the idea of ​​moving to a special country hotel, because in their minds pensions tightly linked with the idea of ​​a nursing home, as sad and gloomy place.Therefore, if possible, is to bring a relative with him, so that he himself rated accommodation.
Prices. Prices for care for the elderly in a boarding house comparable to the cost of services to carers, but almost at the same price customers get a lot more. Basic cost of one day in the resort is about 1500-2500 rubles per day, and the payment for the month starts from 40 000 rubles. Many resorts also offer rehabilitation programs for a few weeks - an average of 50 000 rubles for 14 days.
Helpful Tip
Choosing pension for the elderly, pay attention not only to the professionalism of staff and the general atmosphere, but also on the design features of the building. Doorways must be wide (90 cm). Around the boarding house should be laid to move the ramps for wheelchairs. In the corridors and on the walls of the bathrooms should be handrails. Learn as much as possible on the system of video surveillance, alarm and call button available assistance.