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Sunday, June 7, 2015

Plazmolifting - new approach to rejuvenation. Features, types and cost of the procedure

Cosmetology market now huge. Creams, serums, injections, physical therapy, plastic surgery - youth and beauty industry does not reduce revolutions. The most advanced techniques are intended to stimulate the process of rejuvenation the most natural way for the human body - for example, by Plazmolifting.

Choosing a new technology, it is important not to be mistaken: on the way to beauty is very easy to roll in the wrong direction, and the consequences could be dire. To avoid this, you need a good idea of ​​the essence of the procedure, indications and contraindications for it.

What Plazmolifting? Features procedures

Tissue regeneration processes are natural, but with age, they slow down and not work in full force. However, they can be helped. For the first time it has been used a plasma with a high content of platelets in the 70-ies. the last century. Then in the lab it was proved that such a plasma has a positive impact on the skin, hair follicles, bones and joints. Platelets are actively secrete growth factors - proteins that stimulate cell division. Furthermore, platelets tend to accumulate around problem areas in the tissues so that the action of growth factors becomes directional.
For the procedure used Plazmolifting patient's own blood. The drug made from 45-60 ml of venous blood by centrifugation, which turns into a platelet rich plasma gel consistency (PRP-gel).Injections of the drug obtained in problem areas allow smooth wrinkles, restore elasticity and remove skin imperfections (scars, stretch marks, scars, post-acne), to restore the scalp. The procedure is painless, is performed without anesthesia and lasts only about 1 hour.
Good to know!
Do not confuse Plazmolifting and plazmoterapiyu.Plazmoterapiya involves injecting drug plasma intravenously, intramuscularly, or droplets, and is intended for the treatment of diseases. Plazmolifting - cosmetic procedure, injections are made ​​subcutaneously.

Indications for the procedure

Simplicity, convenience and high efficiency techniques Plazmolifting allow its use in the following cases:
  • Skin problems . Unhealthy complexion, wrinkles, uneven surface of the skin, stretch marks, uneven tan or burns - all testify to Plazmolifting.
  • Alopecia . The course of 3-4 treatments, which are held every 2-3 weeks, stimulates hair follicles and allows you to restore hair growth.
  • Cellulite . The plasma with high platelet introduced in problem areas, to stop the process of atrophy of tissues, which are the main cause of cellulite.
  • Gynecological Diseases . As maintenance therapy Plazmolifting shows good results in treatment of inflammatory and other pathological processes of the female genital organs.

Contraindications Plazmolifting

Before the procedure is required to consult a doctor. If you are experiencing pathological fear of injections should choose another method of rejuvenation. Plazmolifting not indicated for patients under 18, pregnant or lactating, alcohol addicted. The procedure should be delayed in the following cases:
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • rashes or growths (moles) at the injection site;
  • recently conducted a chemical or laser peels.
Unambiguous contraindications to Plazmolifting are:
  • diabetes;
  • hemophilia;
  • epilepsy;
  • nephropathy.

Types Plazmolifting

The beauty clinic offers the following main types Plazmolifting:
  • Plazmolifting person . It makes a refreshing, rejuvenating and health-promoting effect, helps to correct skin imperfections. You can only do injections around the eyes, for skin tightening.
  • Plazmolifting neck . Neck often begins before the age issue, than a person. However, injection of PRP-gel can help to eliminate this flaw wrinkles smoothed, the skin becomes moist, oval face is clearer.
  • Plazmolifting décolleté . It is used not only in the case of aging of skin, helps to remove stretch marks that are common in new mothers at the end of lactation.
  • Plazmolifting scalp . It may be produced as in the case of alopecia or for improving hair condition.
  • Plazmolifting intimate areas . It helps to normalize the vaginal mucosa, increases the effectiveness of anti-inflammatory therapy, corrects the shape and volume of the genitals.

Results Plazmolifting

As a result, Plazmolifting achieved almost immediately visible rejuvenation of the skin for 3-5 years, eventually reduced the number of acne and post-acne. Stable recovery of hair growth can be fixed after three months course of treatment. Loss and thinning hair stops within ten days after the first treatment. If the fight against cellulite to achieve stable effect requires a long course of treatment, the number and frequency of treatments prescribed by the doctor individually. Efficiency plazmoterapii can be improved by additional use of special beauty serums on prescription.
Side effects Plazmolifting may be allergic reactions, mild swelling and redness at the injection sites, bruising, seals, changing heart rate and blood pressure, exacerbation of chronic diseases.

Recommendations before and after PRP-therapy

To prevent complications and achieve maximum effect, it is recommended to observe the following rules:
  • Stop taking anticoagulants (heparin, aspirin) for two or three days before the procedure.
  • Warn your doctor if you are cold sores.
  • Do not set other cosmetic procedures in one day holding Plazmolifting.
  • Do not use decorative cosmetics for 12 hours after the injection.
  • Within three days after the procedure, can not use the sauna and pool, within a week - solarium.
Do not forget!
Beauty - is, above all, a healthy lifestyle and a positive attitude. Avoiding stress and worry about proper nutrition and daily routine, you can expect the best effect of the cosmetic procedures - and, of course, we should not immediately reduce it to zero smoking, harmful food, and higher doses of alcohol.

How much is Plazmolifting?

Prices Plazmolifting will depend on the purpose of the procedure selected injection zone, the method of administration, the number of procedures in the course, the equipment for preparing drug. For example, Swiss equipment more expensive and the cost of the procedure grows to several times in comparison with other embodiments. The average price Plazmolifting person in Moscow clinics Swiss technology ReGen Lab is 25 000 - 40 000 rubles.

How to choose a reliable hospital?

The savings in areas such as health and beauty, can be very expensive. To get persistent, pronounced the result of the procedures Plazmolifting and avoid possible complications, it should go to the clinic with quality equipment and highly qualified specialists. Remember that we are talking about the injection of drugs with living cells and the process of its preparation must be perfect. Although the Swiss are much more expensive equipment, it provides a high safety procedures. For example, certified tubes do not allow blood to come into contact with the environment, which eliminates the risk of clotting, or make infections.