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Sunday, June 7, 2015

SPA-treatments: Relaxation for the good health and beauty. Choose the best spa program

If you ask a woman, a gift for her will be especially enjoyable, then eight out of ten in the enumeration of certain desired mentioned hike in the spa. Experience the effect of relaxing treatments feel like resting and saturate the body vitality - is not it a dream? But the benefits of SPA-therapy already rated men - among a strong half of mankind more and more fans of these miraculous methods.

Spa treatments - how much of this sound for the heart of our merged

In the modern, wide, meaning SPA - is the procedure for the recovery of the body, in which water is used in all its manifestations - from seaweed wraps and salt peels to the thermal baths. But the SPA today - not only and not so much cosmetic procedure as a ritual aimed at the liberation of toxins, rejuvenation and skin improvement, intensification of metabolic processes in the body as a whole.
There are two variants of the interpretation of the term: some believe that the SPA - the abbreviation of three Latin words Sanus per Aquam, which means "health through water", while others are of the opinion that the complex is named after the Belgian resort of Spa, famous for its mineral springs.
Whatever it was, today, spa - one of the most popular cosmetic procedures. Now, almost every major (and not) there is a separate cabin SPA-room, and many, even the world-famous resorts, change the profile for the sake of fashion. All this shows the popularity of services, not only in Russia but also in many other countries.However, not all under the "cherished" by the price list hide spa services in the traditional sense - many salons, especially in Russia, so just pay attention to ourselves by offering systems that are far from matching the definition of "healing water". Nevertheless, the market for such services in our country actively developed both in premium and in ekonomsegmente.

Types of spa treatments

Species SPA great variety of events, and has a comprehensive program and SPA-procedures only, such as the hands or face.
Today, the most popular SPA-programs include:

Spa treatments for hair

The "set" from the experts usually includes such procedures as a hot wrap to give hair elasticity and strength, mineralization - to restore the stained and bleached hair, lamination with various extracts of seaweed, the seal structure of the hair and making hair smoother. There are other services, including measures for rehabilitation, nutrition, hydration hair, peeling and cleansing the scalp, face masks, stimulating growth, etc.
Before you begin any spa treatments for the hair, consult a trichologist. In large salons and beauty institutes usually have a staff specialist, and if not, then trihologa can be found in a multi-disciplinary clinic and diagnostic center.

Spa treatments for the face

To get rid of traces of fatigue and lack of sleep, remove the first wrinkles, make the skin more elastic - with all of these objectives "coping" methods for face Spa. In the salons offers scrubs and peels, vitamin and clay mask, massage treatments and hardware.To consolidate the results should pay attention to lotions, creams and cosmetics based on marine minerals.

Spa treatments for hands

Often in the SPA program for hands only include a manicure, but, in fact, they include a ritual hand care - relaxing bath with sea salt, anti-aging mask, massage with aromatic oils. Very popular in recent years, it uses paraffin, and not only women but also men, because well-groomed hands want to have everything. Also in the salon will help you choose the right hand cream, which can (and should) use at home.

Spa treatments for feet

Beautiful legs - "calling card" of the woman, so different SPA-complexes for the legs become "Masthev" for ladies of any age.Depending on the individual characteristics and needs of you can advise decongestants and antivarikoznye procedure. Baths with salt and essential oils will help to get rid of tiredness in the legs, special wraps (mud, seaweed, even chocolate) - from the ugly "stars" and too prominent veins, manual and hydro will facilitate the attainment of the ease of gait.
Before the SPA for hands, feet and body, consult with a specialist in certain diseases such as beauty treatments may be contraindicated. Also, determine whether you have an allergy to components of the ingredients masks and body wraps.

Spa treatments for the body

It is difficult to overestimate the benefits of spa treatments for the body, it is a detox and rejuvenation and anti-cellulite measures, and relaxation of the whole organism, and getting rid of small inflammation, and improving metabolism, and more.
Popular spa treatments for the whole body:
  • salt and algae peeling;
  • wraps, ranging from mineral (using mud, algae, and even healing mud) and ending with pearl and silk;
  • bath: marine, dairy, modeling, relaxing;
  • Jacuzzi with hydro massage, phyto barrels, hammam, sauna.
Special attention is given massage is one of the key places in the spa treatments. Among the most popular options, you can select Thai, Balinese stone and using aromameshochkov, anti-cellulite, relaxing, toning and many others. Typically, massage is preceded by a set of procedures to clean the skin. For example, the decoupling in the hammam, scrub or body wrap. Skillful hands of the masseur, relaxing atmosphere, the smell of aromatic oils - all to achieve the effect in three areas - psycho-emotional, aesthetic and therapeutic.
That is not a complete list of services that may be part of a ritual spa body care. Already after the first session you will feel the beneficial effects of the treatments and you will want to come again. However, it will only be for the better - SPA-regular events will make your body not only more beautiful but also healthy Bole.

Complex SPA program

Now many SPA- conventional beauty salons practice not only separate treatments for body, hair and face, and offer whole programs SPA-care: "profile" (anti-aging, slimming, anti-cellulite, cleansing the body) and overall romantic rituals for two, steam bath with massage and rubbing oils, Thai complexes, "SPA days" for a bachelorette party, and various other services - as far as the imagination and professionalism of masters. Of course, such programs are more expensive than individual procedures, but the pleasure and the benefits are well worth it, to the same complex will cost a lesser amount than the "set" of activities by one.

Prices for spa treatments in Moscow

What is the cost of spa treatments in the salon? In answering this question it is difficult to give average figures, as the price always depends, first, on the level of beauty studio, and secondly, how broad range of services within the same ritual and, thirdly, from cosmetics, which used in the salon. Classes can be divided into three beauty salons segments: economy, "Middle" and premium.Naturally, in the salons of the VIP level and cosmetics dear, brought from spas Israel, Belgium, Switzerland, France. Particular attention experts prestigious beauty parlors pay local brands, producing natural cosmetics hand. The economy and the middle class used cheaper cosmetics and raw materials (clay, mud, algae).
Sample prices in the premium class starts from 15 000 rubles for a comprehensive procedure for a period of 2.5-3 hours, including a bath, scrub, wrap and massage. Pleasure "for two" will cost about half as much. In the "Middle" -segmente program cost about 8 000-10 000 rubles for one spa bachelorette party also cost about 3 000-5 000 per person, provided that the company will be at least 4 girls. Budget options include, however, a rather large list of procedures: steam bath, massage, mask or wrap, manicure - will cost from 2,000 rubles per person per half hour. The two-hour package for two will cost about 6000 rubles.

How to choose the SPA-center?

Perhaps every fan of SPA-relaxation dreams to find "his" interior, which he offered to the desired range of spa treatments at an affordable price and with good service. We can give you some tips for choosing a studio.
  • First, pay attention to the presence in the cabin environment for complex SPA: massage rooms, swimming pool, steam room, bath;
  • Second, ask if they have the appropriate education masseurs. There is nothing worse than to get into the hands of non-professionals who not only does not solve, but also can aggravate health problems;
  • Third, even before the visit to the salon did not hesitate to ask questions about the sterility of the conditions of the procedures;
  • Fourth, the vote of services and their costs - proposed complex enough to meet your needs and will not be spending any excess;
  • Fifth, look for a studio close to home, because after a relaxing ritual hard again plunge into a crazy rhythm of the metropolis.
In the last paragraph, however, permissible Disclaimer: Some salons even being on the other end of the city, can offer exclusive services that will please you more than those that are available nearby. Usually, a good studio, you can relax, "cool" after the ritual and only then hit the road.
So we tried to figure out what the spa and what procedures are included in the program of SPA, and also identified a number of criteria for selecting a suitable studio. In conclusion, it is worth adding that, once assessed the benefit and enjoyment of the SPA, you will want to experience the thrill again. We wish you to find a good master, and remember: Beauty is not always requires sacrifice!